Message from CFoB Chairman-Ten Year Anniversary Celebrations 5th December 2016 It is a huge honour and pleasure to introduce the Conservatives Friends of Bangladesh (CFoB) ten-year anniversary celebration publication to commemorate our... Articles
CFoB 10 Year Anniversary Dinner Celebration & Press Conference 1st December 2016 The Conservative Friends of Bangladesh (CFoB) will be hosting its 10 Year Anniversary Dinner in London on Monday 5th December 2016. The gala reception will be... Articles
CFoB Anniversary Fringe Reception, Party Conference 4th October 2016 The Conservative Friends of Bangladesh hosted its fringe reception on Tuesday 4th October 2016 at party conference in Birmingham. 80 guests attended including H... Articles
Death of Joe Cox MP 23rd July 2016 CFOB echo’s the sentiments provided by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the wider public heartfelt tributes on the horrific incident and death of Jo Cox... Articles
CFoB Eid & Summer Reception with UK & Bangladesh Parliamentarians 19th July 2016 The Conservative Friends of Bangladesh hosted their annual Eid and Summer reception at the House of Parliament Estates, Westminster on Tuesday 19th July 2016... Articles
MP leads calls for unity in a period of uncertainty 30th June 2016 David Mackintosh MP has issued a rallying call for communities in Northampton and beyond to come together in a show of unity and celebrate their diversity. Articles
Anne Main MP calls for better conditions for Bangladeshi factory workers 3rd May 2013 My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones in this tragic accident. I have visited many garment factories and high rise buildings during my visits to... Articles
CFoB Launch at 2006 Party Conference 1st October 2006 At a fringe event at the 2006 Conservative Party Conference William Hague and Anne Main MP presided over the of a newly formed group called the Conservative... Articles